
Models wrap your database and allow you to define relationships.

Define models by adding files under /models. These are automatically registered with schema, which is how you’ll access your model classes in your route handlers.

Defining Models

To define a model, use the generator:

ember g mirage-model blog-post

This creates a file under /mirage/models:

// mirage/models/blog-post.js
import { Model } from 'ember-cli-mirage';

export default Model;

Class methods

Access a model class using the schema object injected into your route handlers. For example, given the blog-post file above, you’d access the BlogPost class via schema.blogPosts:

this.get('/blog_posts', (schema, request) => {
  return schema.blogPosts.all();

You can then invoke the model’s class methods.

Use ES6 destructuring to add some sugar:

this.get('/blog_posts', ({ blogPosts }, request) => {
  return blogPosts.all();


Create a new unsaved model instance with attributes attrs.

let post ={ title: 'Lorem ipsum' });
post.title;   // Lorem ipsum;      // null
post.isNew(); // true


Create a new model instance with attributes attrs, and insert it into the database.

let post = blogPosts.create({title: 'Lorem ipsum'});
post.title;   // Lorem ipsum;      // 1
post.isNew(); // false


Return all models in the database.

let posts = blogPosts.all();
// [post:1, post:2, ...]

find(id or ids)

Return one or many models in the database by id.

let post = blogPosts.find(1);
let posts = blogPosts.find([1, 3, 4]);


Returns the first model in the database that matches the key-value pairs in the query object. Note that a string comparison is used.

let post = blogPosts.findBy({ published: true });


Returns the first model in the database.

let post = blogPosts.first();


Return an array of models in the database matching the key-value pairs in query. Note that a string comparison is used.

let posts = blogPosts.where({ published: true });

Instance methods

These methods are available on your model instances.


Returns the attributes of your model.

let post = blogPosts.find(1);
post.attrs; // {id: 1, title: 'Lorem Ipsum', publishedAt: '2012-01-01 10:00:00'}


Create or saves the model.

let post ={ title: 'Lorem ipsum' });; // null;; // 1

post.title = 'Hipster ipsum'; // db has not been updated;                  // the db is updated

update(key, val)

Updates the record in the db.

let post = blogPosts.find(1);
post.update('title', 'Hipster ipsum'); // the db was updated
  title: 'Lorem ipsum',
  created_at: 'before it was cool'


Destroys the db record.

let post = blogPosts.find(1);
post.destroy(); // removed from the db


Boolean, true if the model has not been persisted yet to the db.

let post ={title: 'Lorem ipsum'});
post.isNew(); // true;      // null;  // true
post.isNew(); // false;      // 1


Boolean, opposite of isNew.


Reload a model’s data from the database.

let post = blogPosts.find(1);
post.attrs;     // {id: 1, title: 'Lorem ipsum'}

post.title = 'Hipster ipsum';
post.title;     // 'Hipster ipsum';

post.reload();  // true
post.title;     // 'Lorem ipsum'


Simple string representation of the model and id.

let post = blogPosts.find(1);
post.toString(); // "model:blogPost:1"


You can also define associations by using the belongsTo and hasMany helpers. Each helper adds some dynamic methods to your model.


// mirage/models/blog-post.js
import { Model, belongsTo } from 'ember-cli-mirage';

export default Model.extend({
  author: belongsTo()

This adds an authorId property to your blogPost model, as well as some methods for working with the associated author model:

blogPost.authorId;                // 1
blogPost.authorId = 2;            // updates the relationship;                  // Author instance = anotherAuthor;
blogPost.newAuthor(attrs);        // new unsaved author
blogPost.createAuthor(attrs);     // new saved author (updates blogPost.authorId in memory only)

Note that when a child calls child.createParent, the new parent is immediately saved to the db, but the child’s foreign key is updated on this instance only, and is not immediately persisted to the database.

In other words, blogPost.createAuthor will create a new author record, insert it into the db, and update the blogPost.authorId in memory, but if you were to fetch the blogPost from the db again, the relationship would not be persisted.

To persist the new foreign key, you would call after creating the new author.


// mirage/models/blog-post.js
import { Model, hasMany } from 'ember-cli-mirage';

export default Model.extend({
  comments: hasMany()

This adds a commentIds property to the blogPost model, as well as some methods for working with the associated comments collection:

blogPost.commentIds;                      // [1, 2, 3]
blogPost.commentIds = [2, 3];             // updates the relationship
blogPost.comments;                        // array of related comments
blogPost.comments = [comment1, comment2]; // updates the relationship
blogPost.newComment(attrs);               // new unsaved comment
blogPost.createComment(attrs);            // new saved comment (comment.blogPostId is set)

Association options


If your associations model has a different name than the association itself, you can specify the modelName on the association.

For example,

// mirage/models/blog-post.js
import { Model, belongsTo, hasMany } from 'ember-cli-mirage';

export default Model.extend({
  author: belongsTo('user'),
  comments: hasMany('annotation')

would add all the named author and comment methods as listed above, but use user and annotation models for the actual relationships.


Sometimes a hasMany relationship can point to a model with multiple associations of the same type. You can use the inverse option to specify which property on the related model is the inverse of the given relationship:

// mirage/models/talk.js
export default Model.extend({
  primaryEvent: belongsTo('event'),
  secondaryEvent: belongsTo('event'),

// mirage/models/event.js
export default Model.extend({
  talks: hasMany('talk', { inverse: 'primaryEvent' }),

Building associations

To create objects via factories that come with relationships (and related models) already built, you can use the afterCreate() hook when defining your factory. For details, check out the factories documentation.


Mirage’s ORM should currently be considered somewhat half-finished. The simple case of one-to-many relationships is supported (even chained). However, one-to-one, many-to-many, polymorphic and reflexive relationships are not yet first-class citizens in the ORM/serializer layer. There are a few ways to get around this for now, which all involve you manually solving this in some way: